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High Performance Team Coaching
Online Session (Prior Booking is Essential)
Service Description
The High Performance Team Coaching focuses on building effective teams along with real leadership as the most important drivers of organisational performance. We believe that the performance of a team and its ‘health’ go hand-in-hand. Healthy teams are teams that: - Know where they’re heading and how to get there - Lives the values (behaviours are aligned) - Have high levels of trust and can engage in real dialogue - Coach and develop each other (and others around them) - Engage in constructive collaboration - Have strong capability to innovate in service of their goals - Outperform expectations by delivering critical business imperatives Program Overview While we will usually construct a 1-2 year roadmap, the first phase usually encompasses the following: - 360-Degree Survey or individual/team profiling tool - Discussion of the Discovery Report and the identification of quick wins - Building trust and stronger relationships - Giving and receiving feedback (live group session) - Building group/team process skills (e.g. being able to manage group conversations more effectively) - Exploration of personal values and team norms of behaviour - Clarification on team purpose, vision and a clear strategy of implementation Who is this program for? The High Performance Team Coaching is designed for any team operating in an organisational context, including: - Executive Teams - Leadership Teams (e.g. Business Unit/Division) - New teams that need a ‘kickstart’ and who can’t afford to waste time forming and storming for long periods - Project teams that need to hit the ground running Course Duration The virtual High Performance Team program is divided in to 3 sessions (2 hours per module), depending on objectives and need. Learning Outcomes - Gain a deep understanding of the strengths and development areas of the team. - Learn how to leverage the strengths more effectively and manage or mitigate weaknesses. - Create a healthy team with stronger levels of trust and relationships. - Gain competence and confidence to deliver tangible business results. - Organisational Benefits - Increase team efficiency - Increase leaderership capabilites Cost The cost varies depending on the delivery method and other factors like the size of your team. Please get in touch with us for more information

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 9344531938